These are mostly exercises in creative writing weaved in with daily thoughts
To My Teenage Son (Your Little Shoe)
I was cleaning things in the garage the other day. Getting rid of things, organizing. You walked in, huge now, about as tall as me. Your hair style, your pants, they all matter to you now. You were looking cool before heading out to meet your friends.
Jazz & Cosmic Threads
I’ve been rewatching the Ken Burns jazz documentary. It’s hands-down one of the best things I’ve ever watched. Not in form per se, but in subject. While it’s about jazz on the surface, it’s really a showcase of the capacity of soul and the presence of higher places.
Early Morning Still Like Night
Davis found himself at some unknown house. In a cloudy, verdant setting down by a river. He was in a dingy kitchen, mostly white and faded blacks, with three kids.
The Time Traveling Band
I think about crickets.
I think of how long their songs have played in the background of history.