Welcome to Zozo

On its surface The Bowl of Eternity is a 3-part docuseries about a couple (Joan & Warren) and their journey to start an art scene in a peculiar and small town in New Mexico called Carriozo (Zozo). But below the surface it’s a real-life love story. It shows what can happen when a light is shined on the people and things we love.

Yes, you’ll find a touching story of a successful marriage that has lasted over 40 years, but their love does not stop with each other. It’s a story of their love for the arts, a love for the land, and a love for the people that cross their paths. All too often our modern world is filled with unsettling stories that seem to be isolating us and leaving us distrustful of our neighbors. Joan and Warren continue to focus on the abundant magic that is still all around us - and the results speak for themselves. Watch Bowl of Eternity and find out the secret to their success (hint: it has to do with love).

Watch the episodes below or view the various short clips from the different episodes.

EpiZode 1 - Origin Story

Joan and Warren meet, start careers, raise a family, and then decide to start all over and chase a dream of starting an art community. This episode tells their origin story and the story of how they ended up in The Bowl of Eternity.

Run Time: 31 min.

EpiZode 2 - Settled and Growing

Now Joan and Warren are settled in Zozo and opening their first gallery. Gallery 408 becomes the “heart of the art” and starts feeding many other projects and galleries. Now a full-fledged art scene we learn about a photo gallery, a popup gallery, artists in residence, a rock n roll hall of fame, and so much more.

Run Time: 41 min.

EpiZode 3 - What’s in the Atmosphere?

This story is not complete without examining the great power of the location of this art scene. Find out how The Bowl of Eternity got its name and why everyone from ancient Native American cultures, writers such as DH Lawrence, and present day artists find something very unique in the atmosphere. Finally we hear from Joan and Warren about what they’d like to see for the future of the Zozo art scene.

Run Time: 28 min.

The clips below are mostly in chronological order but do not make up the entirety of the story.

Film Short Version

Zozo Air is a film short based on the docuseries. Condensed into 15 min. It was recently selected and screened and The Guild theater in Albuquerque by the NM Film Foundation.